Become a Business Member!

Reach over 1000 museum, archive and historical organization professionals across Connecticut for less than $15 per month with this exclusive offer.

The Connecticut League of Museums offers two membership levels and several marketing opportunities to reach your current and potential museum and archives clients.

A Business Affiliate Membership helps you promote your company and services and reach new customers within the Connecticut museum and archives fields.

For over 60 years the Connecticut League of Museums (CLM) has been the primary networking organization for museum and archive professionals and volunteers in Connecticut. Your membership will allow you to enter this powerful network and hear the needs and concerns of potential customers. There are two levels of membership in the Business Affiliates: Sole Proprietor ($75) and Corporate ($175).

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* Membership level

Business Benefits Include...

Your business name identified as a CLM Business Affiliate, included in an e-blast to members at least twice a year  
Listing in the Products and Services Directory on our website, including name, contact information, website and a 75 word description of your product or services
Acknowledgment on handouts and packets at the Annual Conference and at selected Regional Meetings
The opportunity to have your business brochure or rack card included in the Annual Conference packet
CLM Annual Conference and Awards of Merit registration discounts for up to five employees
Exclusive advertising and sponsorship opportunities including events, workshops and meetings

Invitations to attend CLM regional networking events

Connecticut League of Museums
Central Connecticut State UniversityDepartment of History
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
(860) 832-2674

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