Meet-Up and Catch-Up: StEPs-CT Alumni Circle

  • Wednesday, October 11, 2017
  • 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Westport Historical Society, 25 Avery Place, Westport, CT
  • 42


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Meet-Up and Catch-Up
StEPs-CT Alumni Circles

What has your organization been doing since the last StEPs-CT program you attended? Do you miss getting together with other folks and organizations to talk about the issues and concerns your organization is facing?

The CLHO and Connecticut Humanities misses YOU, and this meet-up is the LAST of our new StEPs-CT Alumni Circles in Fall 2017! These gathering are where StEPs-CT organizations, faculty, and friends can come together to chat and talk about what’s on your mind. The agenda changes from meeting to meeting based on your needs and desires, but always involves plenty of opportunities for conversations, socializing, and yummy treats.

Our third and last gathering of the season will take place on Wednesday, October 11, from 1:30-4:30 pm at Westport Historical Society. We’ll break the afternoon up into 3 parts:

1:30-2:15 - What has your organization been up to lately? What are your successes, and what are your stumbling blocks? What topics would you like future StEPs-CT Alumni Circles to tackle? This will be an open, facilitated conversation where folks can share--or just listen.

2:15-3:00 - Facilitated discussion topic: How does your board "work?" Do you have trouble recruiting members? What do you do to keep your board active and engaged?

3:00-3:30 - Scott and Laurie will share updates on what’s happening at CLHO and Connecticut Humanities--including a 3rd offering of StEPs-CT set to begin in early 2018! Help provide thoughts and feedback on the new StEPs-CT--and learn how your organization can participate too!

3:30-4:30: Potluck Social--Bring an appetizer or dessert and we’ll bring the beverages!

StEPs-CT is a program of the  Connecticut League of History Organizations and Connecticut Humanities.   StEPs is a program of the American Association for State and Local History with grant funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Connecticut League of Museums
Central Connecticut State UniversityDepartment of History
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
(860) 832-2674

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